Goals and Objectives
Strategic Direction 1: Healthy and Empowered Individuals, Families, and Communities |
GOAL 1Integrate and coordinate suicide prevention activities across multiple sectors and settings. |
1.1 Integrate suicide prevention into the values, culture, leadership, and work of a broad range of organizations and programs with a role to support suicide prevention activities. |
GOAL 2Implement research-informed communication efforts designed to prevent suicide by changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. |
2.1 Develop, implement, and evaluate communication efforts designed to reach defined segments of the population. |
GOAL 3Increase knowledge of the factors that offer protection from suicidal behaviors and that promote wellness and recovery. |
3.1 Promote effective programs and practices that increase protection from suicide risk. |
GOAL 4Promote responsible media reporting of suicide, accurate portrayals of suicide and mental illnesses in the entertainment industry, and the safety of online content related to suicide. |
4.1 Encourage and recognize news organizations that develop and implement policies and practices addressing the safe and responsible reporting of suicide and other related behaviors. |
Strategic Direction 2: Clinical and Community Preventive Service |
GOAL 5Develop, implement, and monitor effective programs that promote wellness and prevent suicide and related behaviors. |
5.1 Strengthen the coordination, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive state/territorial, tribal, and local suicide prevention programming. 5.2 Encourage community-based settings to implement effective programs and provide education that promote wellness and prevent suicide and related behaviors. 5.3 Intervene to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors in populations with suicide risk. 5.4 Strengthen efforts to increase access to and delivery of effective programs and services for mental and substance use disorders. |
GOAL 6Promote efforts to reduce access to lethal means of suicide among individuals with identified suicide risk. |
6.1 Encourage providers who interact with individuals at risk for suicide to routinely assess for access to lethal means. 6.2 Partner with firearm dealers and gun owner groups to incorporate suicide awareness as a basic tenet of firearm safety and responsible firearm ownership. 6.3 Develop and implement new safety technologies to reduce access to lethal means. |
GOAL 7Provide training to community and clinical service providers on the prevention of suicide and related behaviors. |
7.1 Provide training on suicide prevention to community groups that have a role in the prevention of suicide and related behaviors. 7.2 Provide training to mental health and substance abuse providers on the recognition, assessment, and management of at-risk behavior, and the delivery of effective clinical care for people with suicide risk. 7.3 Develop and promote the adoption of core education and training guidelines on the prevention of suicide and related behaviors by all health professions, including graduate and continuing education. 7.4 Promote the adoption of core education and training guidelines on the prevention of suicide and related behaviors by credentialing and accreditation bodies. 7.5 Develop and implement protocols and programs for clinicians and clinical supervisors, first responders, crisis staff, and others on how to implement effective strategies for communicating and collaboratively managing suicide risk. |
Strategic Direction 3: Treatment and Support Services |
GOAL 8Promote suicide prevention as a core component of health care services. |
8.1 Promote the adoption of “zero suicides” as an aspirational goal by health care and community support systems that provide services and support to defined patient populations. |
GOAL 9Promote and implement effective clinical and professional practices for assessing and treating those identified as being at risk for suicidal behaviors. |
9.1 Adopt, disseminate, and implement guidelines for the assessment of suicide risk among persons receiving care in all settings. |
GOAL 10Provide care and support to individuals affected by suicide deaths and attempts to promote healing and implement community strategies to help prevent further suicides. |
10.1 Develop guidelines for effective comprehensive support programs for individuals bereaved by suicide and promote the full implementation of these guidelines at the state/territorial, tribal, and community levels. 10.2 Provide appropriate clinical care to individuals affected by a suicide attempt or bereaved by suicide, including trauma treatment and care for complicated grief. 10.3 Engage suicide attempt survivors in suicide prevention planning, including support services, treatment, community suicide prevention education, and the development of guidelines and protocols for suicide attempt survivor support groups. 10.4 Adopt, disseminate, implement, and evaluate guidelines for communities to respond effectively to suicide clusters and contagion within their cultural context, and support implementation with education, training, and consultation. 10.5 Provide health care providers, first responders, and others with care and support when a patient under their care dies by suicide. |
Strategic Direction 4: Surveillance, Research, and Evaluation |
GOAL 11Increase the timeliness and usefulness of national surveillance systems relevant to suicide prevention and improve the ability to collect, analyze, and use this information for action. |
11.1 Improve the timeliness of reporting vital records data. |
GOAL 12Promote and support research on suicide prevention. |
12.1 Develop a national suicide prevention research agenda with comprehensive input from multiple stakeholders. |
GOAL 13Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of suicide prevention interventions and systems and synthesize and disseminate findings. |
13.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of suicide prevention interventions. 13.2 Assess, synthesize, and disseminate the evidence in support of suicide prevention interventions. 13.3 Examine how suicide prevention efforts are implemented in different states, territories, tribes, and communities to identify the types of delivery structures that may be most efficient and effective. 13.4 Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention in reducing suicide morbidity and mortality. |