American Indian / Alaska Native Task Force
The American Indian/Alaska Native Task Force leads efforts aimed at enhancing suicide prevention in American Indian/Alaska Native communities. Priority areas identified by the task force include the development of a national research agenda that focuses on suicide prevention in American Indian/Alaska Native communities. Accomplishments to date include supporting the establishment of the National American Indian and Alaska Native Hope for Life (Suicide Prevention Awareness) Day, celebrated every year on September 10th, and developing an online toolkit of related resources.
- Pamela End of Horn, Suicide Prevention Consultant, Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Public Sector)
- Nathan Billy, MEd, LPC, Behavioral Health Programs Director, National Indian Health Board (Private Sector)
- Colbie Caughlan, MPH, Suicide Prevention Project Manager, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
- Durell Cooper, RISE Outreach Specialist, Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
- Clark Flatt, President, The Jason Foundation
- Kimberly T. Fowler, PhD, Director of Technical Assistance and Research, National Council of Urban Indian Health
- Laurel Iron Cloud, Criminal Law Specialist, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior
- Aimee C. Johnson, LCSW, Program Specialist, Public Private Partnerships (Detail), VHA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Teresa LaFromboise, PhD, Chair, Native American Studies, Stanford University Graduate School of Education
- Nikki Pitre, Associate Director for External Relations, Center for Native American Youth, Aspen Institute
- Shelby Rowe, MBA, Program Manager, Suicide Prevention Resource Center, Center on Child Abuse & Neglect, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
- Glorinda Segay, DBH, Behavioral Health Project Manager, National Indian Health Board
- Stephen Valliere, Public Health Project Coordinator, National Indian Health Board
- Yvette Washington, National Tiwahe Coordinator, Office of the Deputy Bureau Director, Office of Indian Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior
- Lisa Wexler, PhD, MSW, Associate Professor, Community Health Education, Department of Health Promotion and Policy, School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Courtney Wheeler, Public Health Project Coordinator, National Indian Health Board