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Social Marketing

Businesses can help change the conversation and employee’s behavior by positioning the work of suicide prevention as part of the company’s value for health and safety. By using social marketing and social media tools, messaging to the workplace community can let employees know that those who struggle are not alone and that the leaders of the workplace make their health and safety a priority. Part of a company’s outreach to managers and employees can include the use of social media platforms (such as Facebook and Twitter) to help disseminate these messages and engage wide audiences in a dialogue about important issues related to health and safety. The resources listed below will help companies develop content for their social media pages.

  • CDC’s “The Health Communicator’s Social Media Toolkit”
    Type of Organization: Government
    Services: Toolkit
    Format (print, webinar, blog, etc.): Handout
    Cost: Free
  • Man Therapy
    Type of Organization: Non-profit
    Services: 18-point head inspection for men
    Format (print, webinar, blog, etc.): Online
    Cost: Free
  • National Consortium on Stigma and Empowerment
    Type of Organization: Educational and research
    Services: Free activites
    Format (print, webinar, blog, etc.): Online
    Cost: Free
  • Safe and Effective Messaging for Suicide Prevention
    Type of Organization: Non-profit
    Services: Funded through grant under SAMHSA
    Format (print, webinar, blog, etc.): PDF
    Cost: Free
  • Working Minds
    Type of Organization: 501(c)3
    Services: Educational workshops and keynote addresses for workplace conferences. Website with workplace-screening tool, train-the-trainer workshop and training toolkit
    Format (print, webinar, blog, etc.): Fact sheets and blueprint for change, employer testimonial videos
    Cost: Free
National Action Alliance
for Suicide Prevention

300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2010
Waltham, MA 02451