Webinar: Partnering with Faith Communities to Promote Faith, Hope, and Life

***A recording of this webinar is available here.***
Research indicates people who are struggling with thoughts of suicide are increasingly turning to their faith communities and faith leaders for help and support, even before they will seek care from mental health professionals. The 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention calls for the suicide prevention field to work with leaders across sectors and settings, including faith leaders from both congregational and unique ministry settings (e.g. hospital, civil, and military chaplaincy), to integrate suicide prevention into their work and organizations. Through its Faith Communities Task Force and Faith.Hope.Life. campaign, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) is committed to engaging all faiths in suicide prevention.
Join us on August 20th at 2:00 p.m. ET for Partnering with Faith Communities to Promote Faith, Hope, and Life! This free, 75-minute webinar will underscore the work of the Action Alliance's Faith Communities Task Force and its Faith.Hope.Life. campaign and explore ways the suicide prevention field can partner with faith communities to promote message of faith, hope, and reasons to live.
During the webinar, speakers will discuss:
- the important role faith leaders and faith communities play as key partners in suicide prevention efforts;
- the recently released Suicide Prevention Competencies for Faith Leaders and how to implement this resource into community-based suicide prevention efforts; and
- the upcoming National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope, and Life and how to get involved in this national movement.
Webinar Speakers:
Mr. Brandon Johnson
Action Alliance Faith Communities Task Force Public Sector Co-Lead; and
Public Health Advisor, Center for Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Dr. Karen Mason
Action Alliance Faith Communities Task Force Member; and
Associate Professor of Counseling and Psychology
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Reverend Drew Stockstill
Pastor and Director of Health Ministries
Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, PA