- 10th Anniversary
- Interactive Timeline
Interactive Timeline

Since 2010, the Action Alliance has served as the nation’s public-private partnership for suicide prevention. As we look ahead to the next 10 years, we highlight below some key milestones over the past decade that illustrate our collective impact and the foundation from which we will continue to build upon in the years to come.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Action Alliance Launch
Then U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius and U.S. Department of Defense Secretary Robert Gates officially launch the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance).
PDFEstablish Zero Suicide Framework
The Action Alliance’s Clinical Care and Intervention Task Force releases Suicide Care in Systems Framework, establishing the framework for the Zero Suicide model.
WEBZero Suicide Launch
The Action Alliance launches the Zero Suicide initiative, aimed at transforming suicide care in health and behavioral health systems through leadership, policies, practices, and data.
WebPartner with NFL
The Action Alliance partners with the National Football League, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and Centerstone to launch the NFL Life Line.
WebUpdated National Strategy
The Action Alliance, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, and Office of the U.S. Surgeon General release the revised National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, which serves as the nation’s roadmap for suicide prevention.
PDFWorkplace Suicide Prevention
The Action Alliance’s Workplace Task Force releases the Comprehensive Blueprint for Workplace Suicide Prevention, equipping workplaces with the resources and tools needed to prioritize mental health and suicide prevention.
Web2013 Congressional Briefing
The Action Alliance co-hosts a bipartisan Congressional briefing and panel discussion on suicide prevention with Reps. Grace F. Napolitano and Tim Ryan.
WebJuvenile Justice Resources
The Action Alliance’s Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Task Force releases a series of resources aimed at supporting suicide prevention in juvenile justice settings.
Web2014 Rail Industry Forum
The Action Alliance convenes a forum of U.S. railroad company executives and suicide prevention experts to jointly discuss Exploring the Role of the Railroad Industry in Promoting Suicide Prevention.
PDFPrioritized Research Agenda
The Action Alliance’s Research Prioritization Task Force releases A Prioritized Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention: An Action Plan to Save Lives, aiming to guide the nation’s investments in suicide prevention research.
PDFLaw Enforcement Roadmap
The Action Alliance and International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) release IACP National Symposium on Law Enforcement Officer Suicide and Mental Health: Breaking the Silence on Law Enforcement Suicides, an actionable roadmap for how police departments can mitigate the risk of law enforcement suicide.
PDFPublic Messaging Guidance
The Action Alliance and Suicide Prevention Resource Center launch the Framework for Successful Messaging, an online tool providing guidance and resources for developing public messages about suicide and suicide prevention.
WebZero Suicide Academy
Action Alliance partners hold the first Zero Suicide Academy training for health and behavioral health organizations seeking to reduce suicides among those in their care, based on the Action Alliance’s Zero Suicide framework.
WebLived Experience Report
The Action Alliance’s Suicide Attempt Survivors Task Force releases The Way Forward: Pathways to Hope, Recovery, and Wellness with Insights from Lived Experience, which discusses the value and importance of engaging the perspectives of suicide attempt survivors and provides recommendations on how to do so.
WebLaw Enforcement Video
The Action Alliance, in partnership with the American Association of Suicidology, Carson J Spencer Foundation, and IACP, releases Breaking the Silence: Suicide Prevention in Law Enforcement, along with a facilitation guide, offering guidance on how police departments can make suicide prevention a priority.
VideoFaith.Hope.Life. Campaign
The Action Alliance’s Faith Communities Task Force launches the Faith.Hope.Life. campaign to involve U.S. faith communities, regardless of creed, in suicide prevention.
Web PDFClinical Workforce Training Guide
The Action Alliance’s Clinical Workforce Preparedness Task Force releases first-of-its-kind training guidelines, Suicide Prevention and the Clinical Workforce: Guidelines for Training, designed to advance the competency of the broader clinical workforce in serving individuals at risk of suicide.
Web PDFTraining for News Media
The Action Alliance partners with the Poynter Institute, Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, Reingold, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to train reporters on ethical and safe reporting practices through a series of institutes.
WebAfter a Suicide Guidelines
The Action Alliance’s Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force releases Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines, describing the infrastructure, resources, systems, and services required to ensure an effective response following a suicide.
Web PDFAI/AN Hope for Life Day
The Action Alliance’s American Indian/Alaska Native Task Force establishes an annual Hope for Life Day (September 10) and releases a Hope for Life Day toolkit to help community organizers take steps to change the conversation about suicide, spread awareness, and foster hope.
Web PDFPublic Perceptions Survey
The Action Alliance releases findings from a national survey on public perceptions about mental health and suicide awareness, showing that nearly 90 percent of Americans value mental health and physical health equally.
PDFStand Together Event Series
The Action Alliance and Reingold host a series of expert panels titled “Stand Together: An Action Alliance Event Series” to increase awareness of suicide during Suicide Prevention Month.
Web2015 Congressional Briefing
The Action Alliance participates in a bipartisan Congressional briefing hosted by Reps. Grace F. Napolitano and John Katko to examine federal investments in suicide prevention.
WebInternational Declaration on Zero Suicide
Experts from 13 countries, including Action Alliance partners, release Zero Suicide: An International Declaration for Better Healthcare, a call to action for health care organizations around the world to use the Zero Suicide framework to design and deliver suicide prevention strategies, programs, and services.
WebZero Suicide Institute Launch
Action Alliance partner EDC launches the Zero Suicide Institute to support the demand for more training on the Zero Suicide model.
WebCrisis Now Report
The Action Alliance’s Crisis Services Task Force releases Crisis Now: Transforming Services is Within Our Reach, a report highlighting the fractured mental health crisis service system and recommending actions to improve care.
Web PDF2016 Rail Industry Summit
The Action Alliance partners with Union Pacific Corporation to host the Rail Industry Summit on Suicide Prevention, focusing on understanding and addressing rail-related suicide.
WebWhite House Briefing
The Action Alliance coordinates the White House’s Making Health Care Better Series: Suicide Prevention, highlighting the progress made in preventing suicide and recommending needed policy changes.
VideoTransforming Communities Report
The Action Alliance’s Transforming Communities Advisory Group releases Transforming Communities: Key Elements for Comprehensive Community-Based Suicide Prevention, helping communities create policies, programs, and services to reduce suicide and improve health.
Web PDF2017 Congressional Briefing
The Action Alliance partners with RI International, Vibrant Emotional Health, and EDC to hold a bipartisan Congressional briefing on transforming mental health crisis care, sponsored by Reps. Grace F. Napolitano and John Katko.
WebLaunch of National Day of Prayer
The Action Alliance’s Faith Communities Task Force launches a National Day of Prayer for Faith, Hope, & Life, an annual event in which faith communities join in prayer for those who have been touched by suicide and those who are dealing with mental health concerns or feelings of hopelessness, and the people who love and care for them.
Web PDFOpioids and Suicide Town Hall Event
The Action Alliance partners with The Kennedy Forum and EDC to co-host the town hall event “From Pain to Promise: Addressing Opioids & Suicide in Communities Across America” to discuss potential solutions for restoring hope in communities nationwide.
WebImplementation Assessment of National Strategy
The Action Alliance, along with SAMHSA, releases the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Implementation Assessment Report, describing activities conducted by several federal agencies in support of the 2012 National Strategy goals and objectives.
WEBRecommended Standard Care Report
The Action Alliance’s Recommended Standard Care Workgroup releases Recommended Standard Care for People with Suicide Risk: Making Health Care Suicide Safe, outlining recommended standard care in specific health care settings to better identify and support people who are at increased risk of suicide.
WEB PDF2018 Public Perceptions Survey
The Action Alliance releases results from a national survey on public perceptions of suicide and suicide prevention, which shows that most Americans (94 percent) would do something to help if someone close to them was thinking about suicide.
PDFSport Industry Engagement
The Action Alliance partners with Beyond Sport to harness the power of sports to prevent suicide and promote mental wellness, ultimately launching the Stay in the Game Network.
WebEntertainment Industry Recommendations
The Action Alliance partners with the Entertainment Industries Council and SAMHSA to release National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide, aimed at helping members of the entertainment industry tell more balanced and authentic stories involving suicide and suicide prevention.
PDFResource for Faith Leaders
The Action Alliance’s Faith Communities Task Force releases Suicide Prevention Competencies for Faith Leaders: Supporting Life Before, During, and After a Suicidal Crisis, helping to equip faith leaders with the capabilities needed to prevent suicide and to provide care and comfort to those affected by suicide.
Web PDFPublic Safety Summit
The Action Alliance’s Public Safety Task Force hosts a national public safety summit to identify proposed solutions and to build a shared vision and action plan for comprehensive suicide prevention across the sector.
WebMedia Roundtable on Veteran Suicide
The Action Alliance and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs host a Safe Messaging to Prevent Veteran Suicide Media Roundtable to discuss suicide contagion and the role that news media plays in suicide prevention.
WebSelf-Care Video for Faith Leaders
The Action Alliance’s Faith Communities Task Force releases Faith Leaders’ Guide to Self-Care After a Suicide, highlighting the importance of self-care among faith leaders and sharing guidance on how they can care for themselves after a suicide.
Web VideoCare Transitions Best Practices
The Action Alliance’s Care Transitions Advisory Group, with support from Universal Health Services’ Behavioral Health Services, releases Best Practices in Care Transitions for Individuals with Suicide Risk: Inpatient Care to Outpatient Care, describing evidence-based practices for improving care during this critical period of transition.
Web PDFLaw Enforcement Issue Brief
As part of the National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide, the Action Alliance partners with EDC, IACP, and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Affairs to release Preventing Suicide Among Law Enforcement Officers: An Issue Brief, outlining risk and protective factors, strategies and best practices, and existing knowledge gaps.
WebLethal Means Guide
The Action Alliance’s Lethal Means Stakeholder Group releases Lethal Means & Suicide Prevention: A Guide for Community and Industry Leaders, equipping community and industry leaders with the guidance they need to help reduce access to lethal means among those who may be at risk for suicide.
Web PDFCOVID-19 National Response Launch
The Action Alliance launches the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention National Response to COVID-19 (National Response), bringing together diverse partners to lead a coordinated mental health and suicide prevention response to the pandemic.
PDFAction Alliance 10th Anniversary
The Action Alliance marks 10 years of serving as the nation’s public-private partnership for suicide prevention.